Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Book - Love in MidAir

We had a lively conversation about Sarah's Key last evening at Amelie's, but the general consensus was 'eh.' Per Liz's request to read something with some sex in it, we've chosen Love in MidAir as the next book. It's by a local Charlotte author, Kim Wright, and some of the story takes place in Ballantyne. It was recommended by Sally Brewster of Park Road Books as a great summer read. You can buy it here or at Park Road Books.

Also, we decided to try meeting the second Wednesday of each month. Next month, that will be September 8th and we will meet at Dolce Vita in Noda. (It's also half off wine night, coincidence?)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hope you like the book, ladies! It does have plenty of sex....according to my mother, too much!

    Kim Wright

  3. Thanks, Kim! I think we're all enjoying it, but hopefully not too much!
